Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ugh* - follow-up

This search for a garter has made me question why Victoria's Secret doesn't have a huge bridal lingerie selection. It's downright sucky, in fact. There's one garter - a trashy-looking marabou thing that I would not for all the free shipping in the world wear on my wedding day (night).

Frederick's of Hollywood sells something called a skong. I'm not joking. I'm not linking, either, because it's such a disgusting sounding word. It's actually quite a hot concept, but couldn't they have come up with a word that doesn't sound like what you'd call a thong for a skunk? It's only slightly less stupid-sounding than "thirt."

Yes, I'm grouchy right now. Who knew it'd be so difficult to find something so ... simple?

*My bridesmaid and dear friend Vickie saved the day by finding and purchasing one at a VS store before flying home. I wore it pretty high up on my leg (TMI?) because it was a little big, so retrieving it was not the simplest operation. S's cousin Keoki won the catch.

This reminds me that I have to do an actual wedding recap. Hm, when do I have three uninterrupted hours to do this?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I need a garter. I am on in a small panic - since I am forgoing the bouquet toss (you're welcome) I completely forgot to get a garter for the garter toss (that is still happening, and again, you're welcome.)

Want: a set (one to toss, one to keep), pink and white. Or should I just let it be my something blue? GAH.


** update** okay, f*ck DaisyDays, who wanted $19.99 for a semi-cute garter set and $43 for shipping. Fredricks, anyone?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Gown came in; went in for our fittings about 5.30 yesterday.

Have GOT to get rid of this ridiculous swimsuit tan.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Got our marriage license this morning. Yay!

Boo: This mounting credit card balance is making me see stars. S, the more fiscally responsible of the two of us, advised me not to be concerned and to make the minimum payments because this (wedding-designated) card we opened is interest-free for six months, we are managing our money well and will easily pay off the balance after the wedding has come and gone. Even so, the number (which, to be realistic, is not what one would call staggering, but cannot be paid off in a single pay period) is growing with every purchase, and I am not super comfy with minimum payments. So I pay as much as I can whenever I can (advice about this? I pay on time but also sporadically pay whatever amount I can, whenever I can - is this one of those credit no-no's? It doesn't seem like it would be a problem, but then again, I was not aware that paying off a credit card and then closing it could hurt one's credit score either).

Everything costs so much. A cake that won't even feed everyone in attendance costs over $500. Who knows how much the supplementary sheet cake will cost? Expenses still to come: limo, photo, DJ, video, hair/makeup, and the mother of them all, the reception.

Headache. Backyard barbecue wedding and reception is sounding so beautifully manageable and desirable right now ... Ribs and punch for everyone. And the dog really could be our ring bearer. I'd wear jeans (but I'd still get my hair and makeup done.) Scott would wear surf shorts. We'd string twinkle lights around the backyard (that we do not have, or the one on which we would be severely fined by the Association for congregating).

... Okay, stop.

Where can I get a massage that won't cost an arm and a leg (because I made a serious vow - practicing, y'know - only living expenses and wedding expenses from here till The Day.) If I get the Lit Itch, I need to go to the library. If I need new clothes, um, I don't. If we get hungry, we need to go to Mom's. Hehe. Sigh.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

the bridal party

Maid of Honor: Bonnie T.

Bonnie, a 1996 Maryknoll graduate, is an architect at WATG in Honolulu. She has been married to Kenny T. since 2003. They are world travelers who love to sing karaoke. Bonnie is a previous Miss Chinatown Talent Contest winner who tells a mean story, loves rabbits, and spends her time volunteering with various community organizations.

Bon and I have been friends since Maryknoll Grade School. She is the friend all moms want for their daughters: smart, responsible, and unfailingly considerate. We have had many adventures, including co-chairing the 2007 ACUW Scholarship Fundraiser Fashion Show (which really consisted of me talking Bonnie into it and then Bonnie doing most of the work - sorry Bon!). We now live a hop, skip and jump away from each other in the upper Makiki area.

Bridesmaid: Lisa W.

Lisa, born and raised in Hawaii, is a veterinary technician living in Tacoma with her husband Daniel, 13-year-old stepdaughter, and an assortment of cats, dogs, and sometimes other species. She is also a '96 graduate of Maryknoll. Lisa is definitely one-of-a-kind. She's a former wrestler who loves kittens, a girly-girl who can fire a gun, and of the two of us, no one thought she'd be a parent first!!

I met Lisa in seventh grade, and we have many Maryknoll memories - Quiz Bowl, Modern European History, and many a school-sponsored dance in Rogers Hall, to name a few. Lisa left Hawaii shortly after high school, and she is one of the few people left in the world who appreciates good old fashioned correspondence - via the USPS - and just about the only person I know who doesn't have e-mail. I tease her about this endlessly - but actually, if it weren't for Lisa, I'd never receive handwritten letters.

Bridesmaid: Victoria S.

Vickie, a Kaiser grad and another Hawaii girl turned Northwesterner, lives in Tualatin, OR with her boyfriend Brandon and their Yorkie pup, Mr. Belvedere. Don't let her penchant for cute things fool you - she is a Mac Goddess and knows her way around a Kevin Smith movie or two.

Vickie and I have worked together (we met while working at the Manoa A Plus Program back in ... 2000?), shopped together, and gotten pierced and tattooed together (she looks so sweet, doesn't she? But then again, don't I?).

In October I'll be making my very first trip to the state of Oregon, where we are already planning hilarious fun to tentatively include go-kart racing, golfing under the influence, and of course, shopping.

Bridesmaid: Caryn N.

Caryn, a 1998 Maryknoll grad, lives in Aiea and is a fifth-grade teacher (YAY!!) at Pearl City Elementary School. She loves reading, video games, reality TV, and visiting her boyfriend in Hilo.

We didn't actually become friends at Maryknoll. We met in 2003 when we both turned up in the same Foundations of Education class for Chaminade's Masters in Education program. Caryn and I suffered through many late-night classes, commiserated over many a bowl of ramen when those classes got out at 9:45 p.m., and were part of a group of friends who constantly got in trouble for talking during class. Hehe. Caryn's nickname in grad school was "The Overachiever." :)

We both love reading, dogs, Las Vegas, and, apparently, the fifth grade. (Well, I'll get back to you on that last one.)

Bridesmaid: Tami S.

Speaking of fifth grade ... Tami is my grade level partner, the level-headed, organized one out of the two of us. I come up with the harebrained ideas, she makes sure the deadlines are met. :)

This is only the second year I've known Tami, but it is easy to become good friends with someone when you share the same crazy job and are trying to plan a wedding at the same time.

Tami, a 1996 McKinley grad, will be marrying her fiance, Roger, in June. She likes penguins and singing karaoke.

Bridesmaid: Niranda H.

Niranda, a former journalist, is a physician's assistant in Honolulu and will soon embark on the great medical school journey. We met in the UH newsroom in the Spring of 1997 - Ka Leo O Hawaii was our second home for several years - and soon were spending equal time in the newsroom and out of it, at lunch, the mall, Paradise Palms, you name it. If it wasn't class, we were there! (Just kidding, mom. We went to class.)

Niranda lives with her husband, Brett, and their cat, Cheddar in Makiki - in a building about 20 paces from mine. As much fun as it is being neighbors, we hardly ever see each other due to our busy schedules. We always joke that we saw each other more often when she was living in San Jose.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

16 [wedding] things, tagged by vickie

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.

I haven't done a Me Meme in awhile and thought I'd bring this one over to the Wedding Blog because ...

Fact #1: Our wedding is less than 40 days away. Geez, after typing that out, it's a bit difficult to think of anything else. Because of the hyperventilating.

Fact #2: My dating history up till Scott included two great loves, one big head-scratcher, a fling who still makes me smile, a mama's boy, a boy with daddy issues, and a boy I loved from afar. I had a Big, an Aidan, and even a Berger. Scott defies labels - he is and has been, since the day we met, who he is. Nothing less, no one else.

Fact #3: For the first four months, I never once thought we would date seriously, let alone get married.

Fact #4: I like the chewiness of fondant.

Fact #5: When I think about Wedding Day, I feel giddy, like a six-year-old getting ready for a play or a sixteen-year-old getting ready for prom. But when I think about marriage, I feel serene and ... 30.

Fact #6: I love our proposal story.

Fact #7: The only other person in my life I ever would have married was smart enough not to propose.

Fact #8: Our bridal party is 12 large, plus us. That is one hell of a head table.

Fact #9: I know nothing about my wedding band. As in, has it been ordered? I don't know. What does it look like? I don't know. When do we pick it up? I don't know. How much did/will it cost? I don't know. Will I have one on Wedding Day? I don't know.

Fact #10: I am more excited to see Scott in formalwear than I am to see my wedding band.

Fact #11: I can't remember what my gown looks like.

Fact #12: Till we have kids, and I admit this is probably quite naive, I can't think of a single way married life is going to change us on the day-to-day. I've felt totally committed to him since '06, and we've lived together for about that long - so where do the differences come in? Well, the name change thing, yes. And maybe we will have nicer towels. :P

Fact #13: When we got engaged, I didn't want to have kids. Kona, Callie, and the 23 kids I see all day 5 days a week were more than enough to think about.

Fact #14: He wants to live in a house, and I love condo living.

Fact #15: Engaged Encounter was an awesome investment. Possibly the best $300 we've ever spent.

Fact #16: We've made each other healthier, not by doing things for each other (teach a man to fish ...) but by showing each other the best parts of ourselves, and then the worst parts, and meeting every challenge with an open heart.

If you read this blog, tag - you're it.
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