Wednesday, February 27, 2008

wedding expo

I'm actually more excited about the upcoming Pet Expo (though I can't find any information on when it might be) but this year's Bridal Expo is coming up on April 18-19.

At least at the Pet Expo you get a ton of free stuff and cheap dog treats. At the Bridal Expo, all you get in return for braving the crushing crowds is a bunch of glossy pamphlets and some stale cake samples, and that's a maybe on the cake. Maybe Scott's 6-foot-tall ex will be in the fashion show; at least then it will be worth my time. (Did I mention her presence at some Superbowl party was the only reason I considered going? ... and ended up not going, that is how deeply my disdain for football runs.)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The church is on board. We still need to mail the deposit but everyone's got us on their calendars so I guess there's a wedding on the horizon. (I know I keep saying that ... but I really have needed everything locked down before believing that our date is our date.) Speaking of "our date," when Hilton locked us in, I told my friend Talia, "I have a date! Yay!" and she just blinked at me, totally scandalized by the idea that I had a date. As in, a hot hot Saturday coming up.


No, V, that conversation was real. (Please, please tell me you really said yes.)

Monday, February 18, 2008

We have entered the 12-month zone. You know, where all the wedding mags and sites say you MUST begin serious preparation. Eaka freaka. Anyway, the hotel's got us down (pending the DP) but the church has yet to get on board, date-wise. I say we just get married without 'em but that would leave Scott marrying a corpse because my mom would kill me. Hehe.


There are a thousand other things I should be thinking of but of course now I want to think about my dress. I scraped all the salt off my argument for the one(s) I love, and now it's time to shop again. Of course there are also bridesmaid dresses to consider. I love quirky and color - I want them in a valentiney stagger - but that might be met with some opposition. Not from them, but from Mr. Those Shoes Don't Match That Outfit.

Just kidding, honey.

Already budgeting out the 20th's paycheck. I em sed. We haven't even begun saving - I'm struggling just to clear my CC balances and meet my monthly mortgage payment. We have the Hilton deposit and the church deposit to reckon with, and then it should be quiet until we start putting big ticket items on our credit cards - bridal party attire, stationery, flowers, etc.

Monday, February 11, 2008

naptime at my desk

Eating in (leftovers upon leftovers) hasn't killed us yet.

Constant reminders that we have no money because my ring cost more than all the tea in China haven't killed me yet.

And ... we haven't killed each other yet.

So it seems we shall survive till next February.

Gotta go heat up some leftovers and work on my latest column.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

first of all

Gaaaaaah. Note how many PAGES there are. And then note all the things we are NOT allowed to do.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


We're for real getting married; we finally have a date. I'm a little worried about where these copious amounts of money are suddenly going to spring from, but at least it's all a little more real now.
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