Wednesday, December 31, 2008

16 [wedding] things, tagged by vickie

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.

I haven't done a Me Meme in awhile and thought I'd bring this one over to the Wedding Blog because ...

Fact #1: Our wedding is less than 40 days away. Geez, after typing that out, it's a bit difficult to think of anything else. Because of the hyperventilating.

Fact #2: My dating history up till Scott included two great loves, one big head-scratcher, a fling who still makes me smile, a mama's boy, a boy with daddy issues, and a boy I loved from afar. I had a Big, an Aidan, and even a Berger. Scott defies labels - he is and has been, since the day we met, who he is. Nothing less, no one else.

Fact #3: For the first four months, I never once thought we would date seriously, let alone get married.

Fact #4: I like the chewiness of fondant.

Fact #5: When I think about Wedding Day, I feel giddy, like a six-year-old getting ready for a play or a sixteen-year-old getting ready for prom. But when I think about marriage, I feel serene and ... 30.

Fact #6: I love our proposal story.

Fact #7: The only other person in my life I ever would have married was smart enough not to propose.

Fact #8: Our bridal party is 12 large, plus us. That is one hell of a head table.

Fact #9: I know nothing about my wedding band. As in, has it been ordered? I don't know. What does it look like? I don't know. When do we pick it up? I don't know. How much did/will it cost? I don't know. Will I have one on Wedding Day? I don't know.

Fact #10: I am more excited to see Scott in formalwear than I am to see my wedding band.

Fact #11: I can't remember what my gown looks like.

Fact #12: Till we have kids, and I admit this is probably quite naive, I can't think of a single way married life is going to change us on the day-to-day. I've felt totally committed to him since '06, and we've lived together for about that long - so where do the differences come in? Well, the name change thing, yes. And maybe we will have nicer towels. :P

Fact #13: When we got engaged, I didn't want to have kids. Kona, Callie, and the 23 kids I see all day 5 days a week were more than enough to think about.

Fact #14: He wants to live in a house, and I love condo living.

Fact #15: Engaged Encounter was an awesome investment. Possibly the best $300 we've ever spent.

Fact #16: We've made each other healthier, not by doing things for each other (teach a man to fish ...) but by showing each other the best parts of ourselves, and then the worst parts, and meeting every challenge with an open heart.

If you read this blog, tag - you're it.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

the plunge

Just before waking up, I dreamed it was Wedding Day. We were in a different hotel, and the layout was all different from what we'd discussed, but none of it fazed me. I was happy.

Then I realized that in all the hustle and bustle of preparations, I had not made arrangements to pick up my gown. I freaked out and ran around till I found my bil, Jeff, who is IRL a cool bil but very easily annoyed, and somewhat sarcastic.

"Jeff! I never picked up my dress. You've got to help me!"

"What am I supposed to do?!"

"HELP ME! Go to the dress shop and pick it up for me!"

It then also occurred to me that the bridesmaid dresses had not been distributed to the bridesmaids. (IRL, this is mostly not true.)

Jeff was still yawning with boredom over my dress problems, but he managed to say, "I'll call mom," referring to our MIL (well, his MIL, my MIL-to-be).

"WHAT?! She doesn't even drive!"

Jeff, already dialing MIL's number, seemed totally unwilling to help me out (Scott says I HAVE to tell Jeff the story of this dream; he seems to think Jeff would find it funny) so I had to concede that getting married in the dress I had on would not be such a bad thing.

I then realized that this was not the real wedding day at all, but some kind of rehearsal. I was very relieved, and I guess my brain was slowly waking up, because I also realized that I was dreaming. What did I decide to do with this realization? Not run up to someone I dislike and kick them in the shins. Not run to the buffet line and eat everything in sight. Instead, I hurled myself over the banister - from the fifth or so floor, all the way down to the lobby.

It did hurt, when I landed on my feet.

Symbolism: taking the plunge. Practice time is almost over. We are getting married. It's coming.

In the past few months, we have had some fights - some minor, a few major, and some downright stupid, but nothing we haven't walked away from intact or even stronger. My happiness in the dream was real. (Let's just hope I remember to pick up my dress.)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

so lie

That is what the kids say to each other when one of them has told an untruth.

"Ho! So lie!"

Gotta love living in the islands.

Anyway, I lied, I am not shutting up. I am not mortally opposed to flowers, but I have *just* stumbled upon something much better than the flowers and much better than my original idea. It requires a lot of assembly, though. (I used to be mortally opposed to that, but as they say, you only get married once, so we might as well make the most of the experience.)

I am excited. The small stress ball has unraveled, and I have clear enough vision now to pick at the big one and start knitting something useful.

Terrible metaphors, I know. Too excited to fix.

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