Purpose: to kill everyone by walking down the aisle in THIS! ... just kidding. Although it is gorgeous:

I dreamed last night that my baby turned into a great big meanie. Not a smack-his-bitch-up meanie, but a total uncaring clod. ODD DREAM.
P.S. Stupid Target.com won't ship the planner to Hawaii (apparently they won't ship anything heavier than a sweater to the isles) so Leecie is picking one up for me in one of their stores and mailing it to me. Yay for Leecie!
i love happy endings. i love it when the guy and the girl get together at the end of the movie, overcoming the obstacles, and prevailing over everything else.
that's you girl, and i'll keep providing the color commentary along the way.
btw, is there a particular date in 2009 i should keep open?
Everytime we think about dates we get sidetracked by budget depression, pretty dresses, or squabbling parents (mine.) Let ya know.
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